LCA’s For Beginners

CALC Handbook Home Life Cycle Assessment modeling has a steep learning curve and strong software skills are key in understanding the process. In addition, most LCA apps have substantial subscriptions, often with database fees as additional costs. That said these costs...

Climate Impacts of Every Day Products

CALC Handbook Home I/P Videos Case Studies Designer Angel Chang, TedEd, 2018, 6 minutes Social and Environmental Impacts of a T-Shirt: A Life Cycle Approach, Powerpoint Presentation, Ethical Fashion Show Berlin, Franziska Eisfeldt and Franziska Möller, Green Delta...

CALC Handbook Contact Form

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in our work! TOOLS: These tools are in progress. At this time we welcome feedback on Mapping Your Service Area. Otherwise, please hold your tool feedback until we are complete and formally launched. HANDBOOK: Handbook comments will...

Find An Expert

Expert Examples CALC Handbook Home New to working with Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs)? Many people find the learning curve steep, that software skills are key and most LCAs require a substantial subscription fee. Our recommended course of action is to seek out an...

LCA’s For Beginners

CALC Handbook Home Life Cycle Assessment modeling has a steep learning curve and strong software skills are key in understanding the process. In addition, most LCA apps have substantial subscriptions, often with database fees as additional costs. That said these costs...

Map Your Service Area

Mapping with Google My Map (Simple Version) Click image to access the Example Map and Database, and download the blank Sample Database. Directions CALC Handbook Home Mapping Suggestions? Step Directions Notes 1. Log-In or Register then Log-in Go to Google My Maps Must...