Haniyeh Jalalipour
ISWA YPG Vice Chair
Over the past 12 years, the German Society for Waste Management (DGAW) has organized a scientific conference aimed at young researchers and business representatives to present the latest findings in the field of waste and resource management. This congress serves as a platform for scientific exchange and also benefits practitioners who want to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
This year, the conference was held in Hamburg and was hosted by Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kuchta and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Siechau from the Technical University of Hamburg. The conference was complemented by an attractive and broad supporting program from the Stadtreinigung Hamburg (Hamburg’s municipal solid waste and cleaning company), which included a visit to the Georgswerder Energy Hill, a former landfill site that has been transformed into a source of renewable energy.

During the visit, the participants watched a film that provided historical context and highlighted the massive contamination of the landfill site. They also learned about the restoration efforts and the modern leachate and wastewater treatment methods currently being used at the site. Afterward, the participants were taken on a tour of Energy Hill to explore the horizon path and enjoy the panoramic view of the city and its surroundings.
The Energy Hill visit was led by the Young Professionals of the Stadtreinigung Hamburg and was attended by 25 participants, including 5 members of ISWA-YPG-Germany. The group was welcomed into an interesting building that housed an exhibition showcasing the transformation of the landfill site into an energy hill that generates various forms of renewable energy.

It is worth noting that Hamburg Energy Hill is open to everyone and free tours are available to interested visitors. Booking a tour via e-mail is also easy (for detailed information see their website or contact ISWA-Germany). Overall, the visit to Energy Hill was a valuable experience that provided the participants with insights into the latest developments in waste and resource management.