Peter Simoes
Chair of ISWA's Working Group on Climate Change and Waste Management
Being present at COP is special. I, as the Chair of the Working Group Climate Change & Waste Management, had the honour of representing ISWA last year in Sharm el Sheikh – Egypt to watch as an observer all the events, seeing how many organizations are involved in with the enormous important topic of climate change.
It feels like a priviliege to be a part of this important event Especially this year, where we have for the first time ever our own Pavilion for Waste and Resources, we really have to opportunity to actively contribute to mitigating GHG emissions by promoting sustainable waste management.
Day 6 of the COP was again a very interesting day at the Pavilion. We hosted four sessions with interesting presentations and panel discussions, in collaboration with our partners, The Global Methane Hub, French Solid Waste Partnership and Roland Berger.
The sessions covered a plethora of relevant topics, such as climate action in Latin America, social entrepreneurship. green energy from waste, environmental justice and methane reduction and sustainable aviation fuel from waste. A personal highlight for me was seeing a captivating presentation with large airplane companies such as Boeing on the panel.

Day 6 was also used to visit other events and pavilions at the COP. Of course I visited the Dutch Pavilion to meet the Dutch delegation and catch a presentation about the new Toolbox that was launched to help countries to implement circularity in their National Determined Contribution.
This is a national plan that is sent to the UNFCCCC regarding the calculated GHG emissions. With the plans of all countries UNFCCC can calculate the expected increase of the average temperature.
This day was also used to visit some members of our Working Group. At the Turkish Pavilion I received a very warm welcome by our active member, Aylin. Of course, I signed the poster with the Turkish Path to the Global Zero Waste Movement to support this initiative.
The afternoon had a very important session organized be the COP presidency. In the big theatre the event No time to waste, Closing the climate loop was organized. For me the acknowledgement that Waste- and Resources management is higher on the agenda. For ISWA the task to help developing and implementing Waste and Resources Management to reduce Methane and CO2 to fight Climate Change.
Photo Credit: Photo by COP28 / Christophe Viseux

The Waste and Resources Pavilion was too small when several Mayors of the C40 initiative were present in the morning. The Mayor of Istanbul, Rotterdam. Turku (Finland) and a representative from the Paris Waste Company talked about the challenges and opportunities regarding Waste Management and Climate Change in their cities.