Hello ISWA members,
An unusual year yet again has passed, and while we have been particularly challenged to keep up with our usual way of doing things, some other opportunities have been created.
At the ISWA WGGLI we have taken full advantage of the enhanced adoption of online communications to make the group sessions more accessible and increase the geographical diversity of our members. We have been experiencing more participation from countries outside of Europe, while keeping our long-standing EU-Based members. Members have been meeting regularly online with the aforementioned increased representation of different regions of the world.
This situation has given us the opportunity to discuss topics related to the implementation of EPR in the initial stages, from (developing) countries starting in this journey. The current push for EPR as a successful approach to the transition to a circular economy can and should be benefited by the exchange of information and experiences from implementors around the world.
The group now intends to undertake concrete actions in this regard by executing a project to compare these experiences. Also, the EPR library should be increased by adding more and more cases from new members.
The working group has has a change in leadership, as Joachim Quoden from Germany has finished his term as a Chair and in his position, Rodrigo Leiva from Chile has taken over. We at ISWA deeply thank Joachim for his long years of direct service to the association as a chair, and for his continued support and involvement as a member and sponsor. Joachim will not leave us just yet, as he will be supporting the new Chair as Vice-Chair.
The relevance of the working group increases more and more as we are now faced with challenges in the waste sector that require system-thinking approaches and sound governance arrangements.
The WGGLI aims to deal with the horizontal issues that require cross collaboration and analysis from a helicopter view of the waste management systems. The drivers, instruments, policies and governance arrangements required to achieve transformations and improvements on waste management are considered central to this working group.
The group now enters a new phase that makes attending meetings and being present much easier, facilitated by technology. International cooperation and exchange of knowledge has always been a crucial aspect for improving waste management, but now, you can have at the reach of your internet network.
We extend the invitation to all ISWA members to join this Working Group, and for those interested organisations to become members of the Association. Diversity and plurality of opinions has always been a principle of ISWA and we follow that tradition by acknowledging that as many voices as possible should participate in our discussions.
If you are an ISWA member who would like to join the group, please send an email to Alan Encinas. If you would like to become an ISWA member to join the group please contact Chantal Mambu and Daniel Purchase.
Our best wishes for 2022 and happy holidays!