Micro-enterprises in waste management, a case study from Addis Ababa

Jan 13, 2014 | ISWA newsletter

The current issue of Waste Management & Research has an interesting article on private sector participation in solid waste collection in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) by involving micro-enterprises, written by Mesfin Tilaye and Meine Pieter van Dijk.

Privatization of urban services focuses often on the involvement of foreign enterprises. This article deals with micro-privatization, the partial transfer of government responsibility for solid waste collection to micro-enterprises. It tries to shed light on whether the current private sector participation (PSP) of micro-enterprises in solid waste collection service is the best way to capture the expected advantages of private sector involvement. The article examines the relations of the micro-enterprises with beneficiaries and the public sector by focusing on the contract procedure, the tariff-setting process, the cost recovery mechanism and institutionalizing of market principles for micro-enterprises.

The full paper can be accesses

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