Circular and Low Carbon Cities

The CALC project works at the intersection of two critical global challenges: Climate change and resource scarcity. The aim of the project is to support cities in making choices to increase circularity and reduce emissions. Three of ISWA’s Working Groups are involved in the project, the Working Group on Recycling & Waste Minimisation, Climate Change & Waste Management and Biological Treatment of Waste, as well as a team of dedicated volunteers. The project is now entering its second year.

CIRC is an initiative by ISWA’s Circular and Low Carbon Cities (CALC) project. The intention of establishing CIRC is to bring forward evidence-based indicators that could be used to measure and benchmark the circularity in cities, regions, towns, and institutions. Click on the title of the indicators below to access them.

Activity Update

The CALC project is working for developing and testing metrics to benchmark circularity in cities, and to create a network of cities. For metrics, the project is developing metrics on city circularity. The project will connect the indicators with a GHG/CO2 calculator to calculate avoided GHG impacts as cities become more circular. The City Network is a network of high-income and/or complex cities which share experiences on increasing circularity and reducing CO2 emissions.

Recent publications

Why join the City network?

  • Share good, bad and best practices on circularity and low carbon.
  • Exchange knowledge and experiences with other cities.


Upcoming events

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    These projects are currently on-going.


    Opportunities – Voluntary and Internships

    Are you looking for an internship, or would like to volunteer to help define and refine new indicators for circularity?

    Contact us!