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27 May 2021

EPR Masterclass: how can EPR work with multiple PROs?

Image of tin can, garbage and waste for recycling

One of the biggest decisions when developing an EPR bill is whether producers are required to form a single Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) or can choose to form several PROs. In the case of competing PROs, it is essential to ensure a level playing field by creating an independent entity like a clearinghouse or a central agency.

This need was anticipated in the European Commission’s Circular Economy Package, which sought to ensure that, in the case of multiple PROs, each entity would have the same or equivalent obligations to ensure fairness.

This webinar will feature expert speakers, including a consultant to the European Investment Bank about managing multiple PROs in Romania’s packaging EPR program; a government official from Ontario, Canada helping to transition the province to a new EPR governance structure; and a U.S. non-profit functioning as the country’s only active clearinghouse on an electronics EPR program in the state of Illinois. These speakers will discuss their roles in managing multiple PROs to avoid cherry picking, creative reporting, and other program inefficiencies, and to develop equitable programs. They will also cover the benefits and drawbacks of single PRO and multiple PRO systems, and various governance models for managing multiple PROs.

Join us on May 27th 17:00 – 18:30 (CET); 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (EST) by registering for the online EPR Masterclass 2021 how can EPR work with multiple PROs?


Speaker overview EPR Masterclass May 2021

EPR Masterclasses series

In 2020 ISWA, EXPRA and PSI organised 4 EPR Masterclasses which are available to rewatch on the ISWA YouTube channel.

The EPR Masterclass webinar series have continued in 2021 with a new lineup of key topics. The 2021 webinar materials can be found on the site of Parpounas Sustainability Consultants (PSC) who is the hosting partner for the 2021 masterclasses series.

The EPR Masterclasses are organised by Extended Producer Responsibility Alliance (EXPRA), the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI), the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) with hosting by Parpounas Sustainability Consultants (PSC).



27 May 2021