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26 September 2022

WMAM ISWA Beacon Conference: Circular Economy Towards Sustainable Waste Management

Langkawi, Malaysia

26 – 27 September 2022

The shift from a linear to a circular economy is a major challenge that requires a strong commitment to sustainable management of waste and resources. Therefore, to achieve a sustainable solid wastemanagement through this, we need to reduce th ewaste to minimum by reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products. Hence, less waste are generated through the development of sustainable products with greater recycling capacities indirectly will reducing landfilling to a minimum.

The event will bring together leaders, policymakers, experts and enthusiasts around the world to share their experiences and knowledge focusing on circular economy from the waste management aspect.

Joining from ISWA are Marc Tijhuis, Managing Director, and Bjorn Appelqvist, Chair of ISWA’s Scientific and Technical Committee.

Please find more information here or go directly to the registration button below.

For further enquiries, please contact: secretariat@wmam.org


26 September 2022
Aloft Hotel, Langkawi