SYSAV, Sweden

Sysav works with and develops sustainable recycling solutions. Our company take care of and process waste from 14 municipalities in the region of Skåne, the far south of Sweden. We recycle more than 98,2% of all the materials that are delivered to our different processing plants. Sysav also runs recycling centers where householders in the municipalities can deliver broken or unwanted household items for recycling.

Sysav has two subsidiaries, Sysav Utveckling AB, Research and Develoment and Sysav Industri AB, recycling industrial waste.

For further information please contact:

Sydskånes avfallsaktiebolag
Besöksadress Spillepengsgatan 13
Postadress Box 503 44
202 13 Malmö

Reception  +46 40 635 18 00
Fax +46 40 635 18 10