The ISWA Scholarship Programme

Dec 22, 2015 | Close dumpsites

We all know that children working and playing inside an active, filthy dumpsite is dangerous, unhealthy and unethical. Yet this still happens across the world in developing countries.

ISWA would like to do something about this by preparing and educating next generation youths who would otherwise follow their parent???s footsteps into the trash. The ISWA Scholarship Programme targets 14 children who are currently sorting garbage in a dumpsite (ironically) called Nueva Vida or are working on the streets in Managua, Nicaragua.

Meet two of these kids, Josephina (12) and Arles (11) here.

This short film has been made by Calla Kessler, a student of the journalism department from the University of Nebraska, assisted by Timothy Bouldry, who will be administrating and supervising the ISWA Scholarship Programme on the spot.

With the 20,000 USD donated by ISWA, the scholarship programme can be financed for 14 children for two years, including books, uniforms, transportation, family allowances (in some cases, the child is the person working to provide for the family and they are not able to go to school for this reason), administration and psychological counselling.

If you would like to support the ISWA Scholarship Programme and help to bring more children from the dumpsite to the school desk please find our account information below. As a reference please enter ISWA Scholarship Programme.

Unicredit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Account holder: ISWA – International Solid Waste Association
Account number: 51574 002 593
Bank code: 12000
IBAN: AT83 1200 0515 7400 2593

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